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Friday, October 16, 2015

We're Switching to TSU

We started off on Blogger many months ago, and we've been using other social media platforms to drive in traffic. Our goal was to generate income from Google AdSense. So far, we've only been using tsu to post links to our blogs. But tsu has generate far more revenue in a short time than AdSense has generated in a much longer time. Therefore, we are going to start moving all of our content over to tsu, posting all new content on tsu, and directing all other social media traffic to tsu. As of this moment, tsu is officially our new blogging platform. Please join us at

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Dangerous Tunnel Ahead

danger, dangerous, treacherous, hazard, hazardous, perilous, deadly, risky, unsafe, tunnel, tunnels, mountain

This tunnel passes through a mountain in Hualien County (花蓮縣), Republic of China (Taiwan)(中華民國). According to, this is the 7th most dangerous road in the world. It didn't feel dangerous while we were there, but the statistics indicate otherwise. We were on a frequently-stopping tour bus that allowed us to walk along this road for sightseeing and photography purposes.

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Sunday, October 4, 2015

Taiwanese Roof Art

Taiwanese, Taiwan, roof, rooftop, art, artwork, artistic, artistry, craftsmanship

This armed, dragon-riding warrior figure is just one small portion of the artwork atop this roof in Hualien, Taiwan. The rest of the roof was covered with similar projections, each with a different figure riding a different dragon. The other figures were in different poses, and their outfits and dragons varied greatly in color. Impressively, like this one projection featured here, all of the colors worked extremely well together. Furthermore, this rooftop was by no means unique. We saw many examples of this style of rooftop artistry.

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